Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

As many of you are taking Spring Breaks over the next week or two, this will be a brief post.

Info from the library:

Please pass on to parents.

Hello Folks,

As re-enrollments have begun, I’ve had requests from parents who want to place reserves for next year. Talk about being organized!  Way to go!

So here is our library procedures for the summer and new school year:

1.    To reserve items for next year, you send me a note stating you have reenrolled. I confirm with the office and change your library card expiration date so you can place reserves. I will email you to let you know your account is confirmed.

2.    Summer loans:
·         If you have not re-enrolled, ALL library items are due back in the library by June 10th, 2011.
·         If you have re-enrolled, you have the option of taking out material over the summer:
·         Last date for ordering items for the summer is June 10th
·         All material will be due back in the library August 12th, no exceptions! We need to have all items in and ready to go for the new school year.

The library is closed for the month of July, and is on summer hours for August. I will arrange Canpar pick ups as needed.

Shandra Wiebe
Head Librarian
250-862-2377 x.311
Monday 1-5, Tuesday 1-5, Wednesday 1-5, Thursday 2-6
907 Badke Road, Kelowna BC
V1X 5Z5

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Observing Learning

First, please check the March HCOS newsletter for updated information on a variety of announcements, such as educational technology and Learning Camps (LC) in your area. link: HCOS NEWSLETTER  One of the newest LC's is Joey Clarkson who is putting on one of her Musical Theatre Camps at various locations on the Island!

Second, I just want to say, "Thank you!". 

You see, during portfolio time, I have an opportunity to provide feedback in regards to the learning that I observe.  Now, obviously, I can't be in your home at each moment that learning occurs, but I can get a glimpse of it each week through your weekly updates as well as the samples you submit with portfolios each term.  This is why I value both of these so much.  I can get to know what inspires and ignites each child, what his passion and giftings are, and where he may need to be challenged to grow.  When I get detailed weekly updates and thorough portfolios, I can mark off topics that have been covered as well as provide a mark that reflects your child's level of learning.  So, thank you for taking the time each week to share the learning that has occurred and insight into what excited your child.  Please know that communication and portfolios are so much more than just "government requirements"; they are useful tools that we can use to monitor and review the learning so that an accurate document can be produced that helps guide and direct your plans as well as honors the government and the support that we receive as a school.

So, help me "observe learning"  through your eyes by providing me a detailed "snapshot" of that learning!  Keep those updates coming and be sure to use the checklist for portfolios to ensure that you have a rich portfolio full of items that reflect your child!        

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Some things to share...

Happy Birthday to...
  • Robyn!
  • Samara!
  • Rebekah!
  • Joshua!
  • and last month - Brianna - welcome to HCOS Brianna!
from Judy:
  • BookFest Celebrates 25th Anniversary - Saturday, May 7th, Downtown Nanaimo

    BookFest is moving to Downtown Nanaimo for 2011.

    Join us for a fun-filled magical book day!  Canadian authors, illustrators and storytellers entertain kids from five to 12 as they bring their creations alive.  Adults will need a child to attend and those with preschool kids can join in a parent-child rhyme time session and puppet show.

    This year's lineup includes:

    Linda Bailey and Robert Heidbreder (ages 5+)
    Marie-Louise Gay (ages 6+)
    Eugenie Fernandes (ages 7+)
    Robin Muller (ages 8+)
    Andrea Spalding (ages 9+)
    Arthur Slade and John Wilson (ages 10+)
    Sheree Fitch (all ages)

    Noon hour entertainment includes the music of The Kerplunks, face painting and bubbles!

    It's $10 per child with a maximum of $25 for a family.  Preschool events are free!  Registration begins March 31st and forms will be available at branches of Vancouver Island Regional Libraries, and on the website.  Register early to avoid disappointment.

    New this year is an auction featuring original art by ten renowned children's illustrators. 

    Further information is available at

A great one form Pippa for those younger students:
I look forward to hearing from each of you over the next few days updating me on your learning experiences.

Have a great weekend!
  • Here is my new techie site of the week, Little Bird Tales.

    I would love to hear if you or your parents use this application, as I am sure for the younger set this could be a winner:)

    Have fun tweeting in a different way!!

    Blessings to you

    Pippa Davies
    Support Teacher and Online Librarian
    skype: philippajanedavies
    Library hours:  Mon-Thurs 2-5pm
Want to join a ski trip?
  •  I just thought I would send out this info.  We have had to change the next Ski Trip date to Mt. Washington on March 18th.....and I will get back to everyone in the next few days as to what the new one is.  This will most likely be the last one of the season.  We have had a great year of snow and fun!!! 
    Cheryl Landry