Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall: Letting Go, Allowing for Change, Falling Back

Letting go:  As the leaves let go of the trees, may we let go of our preconceived ideas and plans that aren’t working.

Allowing for change: As the leaves change color and the weather changes, may we allow our ideas and plans to change according to God’s will.

Falling back:  As the clocks fall back, may we enjoy falling back into God’s loving arms as He guides and leads us.

Fall is my favourite season.  I remember deciding that Fall was my favourite season when I was in first year of University on the East Coast.  I joined a group of students who went for an annual foliage hike up a small mountain simply to view the beautiful foliage and worship the Almighty Creator through singing, and the reading of God’s Word.  (If you have ever been on the East Coast, you will appreciate how amazing the colors are with such a variety of deciduous trees.)  Standing at the top of the mountain, gazing upon this amazing palette of greens, oranges, yellows and reds and taking the time to be still and really appreciate the portrait is a memory that God has given me to remind me that God is in charge of everything – that He alone can change those trees, that He alone decides when it will get cold so the plants can get rest, and that while this time of rest comes about, He will be there to guide and preserve me even if things appear to be shutting down or even dying.  He also reminded me that He once died but will come back again in full glory, just like those crimson trees with the shedding of leaves – they will bloom again even bigger and fuller than they were now. 

My prayer for you is that you will take the time to let God speak to you during the changing seasons and that you will hear Him give you words of promise and hope. 

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