Friday, January 7, 2011

Getting Back to Growing

This was a tough week back for the kids and I.  Getting back to schedules and routines was especially difficult; we wanted so bad to stay up "just a little longer" or wake up "when it gets light out".  I remember feeling this way at the beginning of this school year and thought I should revisit an article I wrote back then.  I am glad I did, because I had gotten quite off track from its suggestions.  Here is that article:

How was this past week for your family? 
I really am curious because mine was a whirlwind of emotional breakdowns coming both from the children and myself!  Getting back into routines has been quite the challenge in our household.  My children have told me that I expect WAY too much from them and that we get up WAY too early for being homeschooled.  Maybe I am expecting lots and maybe I am not, but I think I would rather start out tough and then let up a little as they are able to show discipline, respect and obedience.  I sought the Lord on this (having somewhat guilty feelings with the accusations from my children) and I heard him tell me to first make sure I was willing to put in discipline and high expectations myself.  Was I going to be able to set a good example and have a good attitude about it?  This attitude and example would be the success-maker in establishing good habits and attitudes within my own children.  Practically, this means bringing myself, my children, and the work planned out before HIM each day as well as ask HIM each night what to do differently or what to rejoice in.  It means finding “natural consequences” rather than nagging.  And it means bringing MY best forward each day as I interact with my children. 


  1. This post reminds me of this Chinese Proverb:

    "If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. (Chinese proverb)"

    Which, in *theory*, should one of our goals of home-schooling - meaning it starts with me - as the primary homeschool teacher in my home - that there need be peace in my heart first and teaching that first. My struggle is not so much as starting out tough and then lessing up - but starting at all after Christmas - awakening their and my desire to learn again. I think that sometimes the holiday season can be so overwhelming that it takes some time for everyone to recover and sort out what exactly went on during the holiday season and rest from all that. My kids simply were not ready to start again this past week - but last night I mentioned that we were going to start school and create our own country and they pulled out all the school books on government and countries, argued for hours about a name, finally figured one out and then created a flag and found a tune for an antham. I love that they didn't even know they were doing "school" until 10pm last night.


  2. I think you have something there with awakenning the desire first. That will make it all easier whether you lay it down hard or not! Thanks for that!

  3. Hi Amy! I love the tone in your posts. Thanks for sharing your homeschooling journey with us!
